Directory Marketing Reborn, or How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love Google

Manual Directory Submissions - an Exclusive Service Using the Directory Marketing Reborn eBook Principles!

You asked for it - now you got it! Today, I am offering you a unique manual directory submission service that lets you benefit from the tips and tricks described in the Directory Marketing Reborn ebook - without having to do everything yourself.

I do not care what your reason is for not implementing all I teach you in the ebook yourself - be it lack of time, being lazy, putting things off or just not liking routine manual work. It will no longer stop you from succeeding! You simply do not have any excuse not to use the Directory Marketing Reborn techniques for promoting your site - because I will do it for you on your behalf.

What you get when you order any one of the available manual directory submission plans:

P.S. If you have purchased the Directory Marketing Reborn ebook, you got a special member-only discount code for the manual directory submission service - feel free to use it when placing your order!

Updated: January 2010 | Manual Directory Submissions | Affiliates click here